Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Single Mom's Retreat...Fun on the Farm

A group of Single Mother's spent a day at Harvest Home Farm, a ministry run by Danny and Rhonda Calhoun. The retreat was for the moms however a group of 6 young men had a fun day fishing, collecting fire wood and sharpening sticks, hiking etc. And a group of about 10 5-12 year olds spent the day playing w/ goats, grooming horses, running and hiking. The moms spent time in the woods reconnecting thier hearts with the Lord. Then after a wonderful sack lunch we hiked back to the house where the Lord met us in a time of worship, sharing and Holy Spirit led healing and freedom. We ended the day with a bon-fire/ weiner roast. Worship w/ drums and guitar, and a football game for the kids. What a glorious day!

Jacob showing off his big catch!
The boys chasing the goats...or the goats chasing them!

Roasting Hot Dogs

Sorry I don't have more pics...Jacob had my camera and took some great shots of chickens, horses, goats and nature!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Last Sunday I sat in a home church meeting with Danny and Rhonda Calhoun. They oversee a ministry called Harvest Home. They have been given 300+ acres and are developing a community for the widows and orphans. They are beginning stage 2 of the development. This is a vision that is unfolding after over 30 years of prayer. They have recently purchased as a 'steal' a steel building in which they are going to develop apartments for single moms and their children. Last week as they shared about this and their desire to build a basement for 3 levels of apartments the Lord spoke CLEARLY..."Misty, I want you to help lay the foundation for this work of mine for single moms". I knew the Lord was inviting me into sowing financially into the digging of the basement which would cost $10,000. So I thought..."ok, $100". Again I sensed the Lord say "Incease it 10-fold". Now here is the kicker...I have been watching these financial videos by Dave Ramsey and he has ingrained in me to save $1000 for an 'emergency' fund. I have been laboring for some months on establishing this fund. You know it seems like when you get it something happens to the car or house or something. Well, I proceeded to inform God that Dave Ramsey wouldn't agree and that I had been laboring for MONTHS to save money. I guess God had different plans than Dave...
So on Thursday after checking everything out and God reminding me faithfully throughout the week of His ability to open the storehouses of heaven and bless us...I sat down to write a note to the Calhoun's and write the check. I also determined that I would speak to the kids and get their feedback before actually giving the money.
I then finished preparations for going to see the Phantom of the Opera and before leaving I checked the mail. There was a letter from someone who has never written before...and you won't believe it (well, you might) a check for $1000.
I LAUGHED aloud,
then shared with Jacob all I had been wrestling through during the week. He celebrated with me.
What an awesome God we serve!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dining Pleasure

Ok, My mouth is delighted!

This weekend my sister came to visit and serve Single Mother's gathering in my house for ministry. However, our family recieved a private dining extravaganza for Shabbat on Friday evening. She has been experimenting and experiencing the joy of setting a banqueting table for her own adult children and their friends in Indianapolis. They gather to make an incredible Spanish dish called Paella.

She came to Kansas City armed and ready w/ pan and ingredients to delight our tastebuds. What a wonder it was to have her serve us w/ extravagant love.
Here is a showing for you to just imagine the amazing meal that was set before us. The process of making this dish is a ministry in itself. She prepared everything in stages, bit by bit...sauting the chicken w/ a head of garlic, adding the peppers and green beans to roast. Then she cooked grated tomatoes (yes grated because it gives the perfect texture...not to be purreed or chopped...GRATED) and grated onions. All this is done in the same pan so that the flavors of each stage are blended in just the right way. There is more but I'll let your imagination run wild!
I can't wait to get home for leftovers!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Saying Bye to Meghan

On March 8th friends gathered to say BYE to Meghan...why? She left for India for 3 months on March the 10th. Here are a few pics of our time together. It was a sweet time laughing, talking, and praying over her.

Meghan took Morgan w/ her...Jacob is displaying the lifesize (well maybe not quite lifesize) poster of Morgan that was traveling w/ Meghan across the ocean...Morgan just couldn't resist, she had to go too!

Ann is picking something out of Meghan's hair, preparing her for the lice that the kids will undoubtly pick out of her hair.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Some Quick Thoughts....Just Because

The new year has seen many challenges. There is a growing urgency to prepare our hearts for the return of Jesus. But as a parent who desires more than anything for my children to be abandon to the things of God, I often stumble on the journey to preparedness and preparing my children. How do I stumble? Every day in a harsh word spoken to my children, in an abrupt reaction to someone else that is seen by my children, in a bad attitude towards a new policy or situation that is viewed by my children. How I fall short of the measure of revealing the heart, life and love of Jesus to those in my own family.
However, despite all of my shortcomings, somehow they are on the right track. Now don't get me wrong, that track has plenty of bumps, hills, valleys, and even offshoots that may seem lovely to venture down. But they are moving forward. Sometimes not as fast or as far as I would like, but then I fall into the arms of GRACE and trust that He is indeed in control.
I have been told by many how wonderful, good, kind etc my children are. My only response is really I can take NO credit. I have for the most part always felt inadequate as a parent, not a failure mind you, just ignorant of what they need, how to be a good parent etc. But I guess that is what has kept me leaning on the ONE who does know all about my children. I have tried more than anything to be an empty vessel for HIM to parent my children. AHHH it's when I get in the way that trouble starts.
So to my fellow pilgrims on this journey...may be be poured out so that Christ may be poured through us to our children.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Humanity the World Morgan Honnold

I’m writing this blog about an event that occurred two days ago, which, due to our jam-pack and stimulating schedule, feels like more like a month. We visited the Thai Embassy on Wednesday, 1/14/09, and that is what this blog is about.
Wednesday afternoon…temperatures drop. We head out on a 30-minute walk to an obscure destination, the Royal Thai embassy. Somewhere in the middle of the Georgetown University area we arrive upon a tidy, secure, three-story building that is our destination. Once there, we tumbled inside the twice-secured door, breathless and blustered by our cold and tardy situation. We rushed upstairs and peeled off layers of coats, and enjoyed the consumption of a few Thai treats offered to us by our gracious hosts. We then sat down to a 45-minute breakdown of the roles and functions of the Thai government and Thai Embassy. Our presenters then took questions from the audience, which consisted of about 50 participants of the Washington Center Seminar. The questions were the regular, relevant, smart-sounding inquiries that attentive college students are expected to ask in such a setting, and pertained to things like foreign policy, import/export products, economy, et cetera. But I was waiting to ask a question that had been percolating in my mind since the first time I visited Thailand exactly three years ago….
Rewind. Excuse me as I switch to third person in order to properly perceive this story once again.
January, 2006. 18-year-old Morgan had been working in a children’s home in Bangalore, India for the past five months, and went on a 10-day vacation to Bangkok, Thailand. Once there, she was perpetually impressed by the mega-malls, clean streets, courteous people, and awesome street food! She loved lots of aspects of her experience there, but one reoccurring sight confused and perplexed her. Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere she went, she saw middle-age or old men accompanied by one or two young beautiful Thai girls. Morgan was disturbed by this frequent sight, and asked her friends, who had lived in Thailand for many years, what this phenomenon was. They sadly and gently explained that Thailand has become a leading market in one of the world’s most profitable businesses – human flesh. They explained that most of these girls were prostitutes – not by choice, but by painful and complicated varied circumstances. Morgan was devastated, enraged, and confused at how such blatant and disgusting disregard for the sanctity of a woman’s body and human dignity could be so openly tolerated and accepted. Her friends continued to explain that the level of this corruption infiltrated every tier of Thai life, and greatly contributed to the tourist population. In fact, Thailand is known to many as a prime purchasing destination for this one thing: sex.
Two and a half years later, July of 2008…21-year-old Morgan is in India all summer, working alongside her best friend with drug-addicted street kids in Calcutta. They go again to Thailand, to Bangkok and Pattiya, but this time Morgan is armed with a little more information. She has been reading, researching, learning about this thing called Human Trafficking, or the illegal sale and exploitation of human beings. She is gripped by this world-wide epidemic of slavery, and this time, she knows what it is that she’s seeing. She knows what the neon lights and disturbing sights and violated rights is, and she’s still grieved, distressed, and enraged. Some vacation. She can no longer plead ignorance and thereby turn a blind eye to the hopeless plight of millions of people, nor does she want to. But she does not know what to do. She cannot break down brothel doors, rescue ravaged children, redeem the raped bodies and souls. So she prays, and waits, and learns, and informs, and hopes and believes that in order for us to see world-wide restitution of this issue, world leaders have to acknowledge the issue and take unified and convicted action against it. This experience in Thailand is largely why Morgan was so eager and excited to participate in this current experience in Washington.
Fast-forward again, and stop. Right here. Right now. 1/16/09. The Washington Center Presidential Inauguration Seminar students visit Royal Thai Embassy in Washington D.C. Morgan’s group gets to go. And Morgan is elated at the prospect of really hearing, from the “horse’s mouth,” what the government is doing to address this issue. So she raises her had, at first nonchalantly, and then with increasing urgency, prodded by her friend to ask this question that could be controversial, yet is hugely pertinent.
“We’re almost out of time,” they say, “So one more question.” I stretch my hand higher, and when called on, commence: “Thank you. I’ve had the opportunity to visit your beautiful country on several occasions, and have greatly enjoyed my experience. You have a wonderful country to be very proud of. Yet I was disturbed to see the global issue of human trafficking so prevalent there. Could you tell me what the government is doing to counteract this growing issue, and also, does the high participation of wealthy and often high-ranking American, European, and Middle Eastern individuals greatly hinder this issue from being resolved or more aggressively addressed?”There. I asked it. This is what I’ve been wanting to know – if the people who hold the power are doing what it takes to make the change, or if they, like many American politicians, are drunk by their elevated position and removed from the desperate situations of the people which comprise their country. Essentially what I’m asking, and what I’ve been asking, is just this; if I want to counteract social injustice, and see change and hope and freedom brought to the lives of those that the world has deemed dispensable and worthless, should I focus my energies of approach on the bottom-up (by working with grassroots and volunteer organizations), or from the top-up (by advocating change from a position in government itself.)?
The answer I receive was sadly short of satisfying. In the Thai embassy, they expressed awareness to the issue, and to the multi-level approach that any sort of solution must take. The talked vaguely about organizations that help families and girls who are forced into their situations. They responded as they should; professionally, sympathetically, politically. But their regulated response lacked compassion, lacked vision, lacked deep desire and motivation to see this problem rapidly and drastically resolved, not for the sake of the reputation of their nation, but for the sake of the lives destroyed. And this short interaction – my thirty-second question and their one-minute answer - portrayed to me a greater picture of what tragically but frequently takes place in governmental institutions. The leaders lose touch with the people they are designing to serve – is it not curious that our lawmakers and the determiners of literally every aspect of our nation live far removed from and have no grid for the daily life of the millions of people they represent? How, then, can we expect our government or any to operate out of any deeper motivation than their own good and social/moral obligation? Why is a government which is described to be for the people, by the people really just a government – no people truly involved?
I cannot honestly say that I’ve come to any firm conclusion, nor had any brilliant epiphany in regards to my question. I can only say that I and others deeply care, but don’t know where to go to see legitimate, legal changes without losing heart, hope, and the touch of humanity in the long grueling legislative process. It’s not right that the ravaged bodies and souls of millions of innocent victims is not enough to stop every man, woman, and child in their tracks until the exploitation and destruction ends. It’s not right that the physical, spiritual, and emotional wounds are translated into little more than country boundaries and dollar signs in the eyes of policymakers. Conviction, passion, determination are all critical elements of seeing these things come to an end, but there is a missing ingredient, a key component, a “greater than” and “better than” and “other than” solution than what I’m seeing take place right now. Until the time when these bitter tragedies are no more, however, these are the tools we’ve been given, and so I appeal to you to arm yourself with these things also, and change whatever corner of the universe you dwell in.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” ~ Ghandi

Monday, January 5, 2009

Where Were YOU?

So where were you when the New Year rang in? Many were at One Thing dancing and celebrating the new year, some were with families and friends, but I didn't see many were we were. As the bells chimed, and the ball dropped to ring in 2009 I found myself in one of my LEAST favorite places...WALMART. Can you believe it. But always one to make the most of a seemingly poor situation, my children and I rode the cart down the isles of the grocery crying out "Happy New Year " to all who would listen.
We had spent 4 glorious days surrounded by over 300 children leading and teaching them about the love of Jesus and playing amazing games like PEANUT BUTTER SMASH, AND COTTON CANDY HEAD. But we were exhausted and had wonderful plans to spend all of January 1st watching the extended versions of Lord of the Rings.
It was a promise I had made to Jacob: If he read all 3 books we all would set aside a day to watch the movies together. January 1st was that day and what a day it was.
We would watch a DVD (all the 3 movies were in 2 DVD) get something to munch on, watch another movie, munch some more etc. I actually stayed in my jammies ALL day, dozed in and out a bit. This was FAR from my typical day but I thoroughly enjoyed it (probably won't repeat it for a while).
So what was the spiritual significance of this? Well, I'm not too sure other than the Lord delights when we take time to rest. I did find myself throughout the movies asking the Lord to make me like certain ones of the characters, desiring their perservance, their ability to run and not grow weary, to fight the enemy w/ such tenacity and WIN, to raise the dead. I was reminded of the evil that is raising up out of the depths of the earth even now, and the coming battle.
AND, it is always glorious to spend time with my kiddos.

Hope your New Year was a blessing to you.