Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dining Pleasure

Ok, My mouth is delighted!

This weekend my sister came to visit and serve Single Mother's gathering in my house for ministry. However, our family recieved a private dining extravaganza for Shabbat on Friday evening. She has been experimenting and experiencing the joy of setting a banqueting table for her own adult children and their friends in Indianapolis. They gather to make an incredible Spanish dish called Paella.

She came to Kansas City armed and ready w/ pan and ingredients to delight our tastebuds. What a wonder it was to have her serve us w/ extravagant love.
Here is a showing for you to just imagine the amazing meal that was set before us. The process of making this dish is a ministry in itself. She prepared everything in stages, bit by bit...sauting the chicken w/ a head of garlic, adding the peppers and green beans to roast. Then she cooked grated tomatoes (yes grated because it gives the perfect texture...not to be purreed or chopped...GRATED) and grated onions. All this is done in the same pan so that the flavors of each stage are blended in just the right way. There is more but I'll let your imagination run wild!
I can't wait to get home for leftovers!

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