Well, I believe, let me restate BELIEVE, we have gotten off to a good start for our school year.
Everyone in this family is in the midst of an intensely busy season. I find myself almost daily saying "LET ME OUTTA HERE". I feel like I could run away.
Just yesterday I shared this with two friends who both are experiencing the same feelings, so that tells me 'God is up to something'! I just wish I knew what.
I am feeling like things that have been SO important to me in the past are taking a short break, the intensity of our schedules demands our full attention. But keeping our hearts aflame and loving one another is the test of the fire we are currently walking through. I feel like there is this wall before me and I am literally pressing on it w/ my head, I will not budge I feel my spirit saying (but my flesh says 'RUN AWAY'). The wall will give way as long as I don't back off. There are things in life that God has said 'don't budge on this one'. So I am not budging.
I guess that 'thing' in life would be the children, the next generation. This past weekend the boys and I went to Alma, Ark. to minister to children and parents for the weekend. I love opening up the word and sharing with children. I love to see their eyes when I read the description of Jesus in Revelation 19...WOW, this is a Jesus they have never seen before. I love to give them historic details about Daniel's or Esther's capitivity, then hit them with the reality of their steadfastness in the midst of such trials. I love to see the Holy Spirit move on them, brood over them, and set their hearts on fire.
And I love to spend Tuesday and Friday evenings w/ my own kids: laughing, sharing stories, laughing again, figuring out schedules, eating dessert etc.
Those are things I won't budge on.
OH, I caused a parent to get up and leave one of the sessions I taught. He told me later he was sorry but he was getting so convicted as a dad he couldn't stand any more! YES...go God. I preach and share the simple truth that God WILL turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers. (Malachi 4:6) Sorry guys, I don't waste time painting a pretty picture but I lay down the reality of what that looks like: Jesus dying on a cross. Doing it, pouring out His very lifeblood to death, even death on a cross. AND all for the JOY set before him. My heart is that parents would arrise and be like Jesus. He was NEVER concerned about his ministry or calling. All He cared about was His children's destiny. May we be a generation that sees the way Jesus sees.