Thursday, July 3, 2008

Colorado Signs and Wonders

We had an awesome time in the 4 corners area, high up in the mountains of Colorado. We worshiped Jesus with kids from all over the US; as far away as Washington and Wyoming, and even from the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservations. You can see by the pictures that the kids participated in all sorts of ways.

Morgan lead the charge by smashing kids faces in M & M while being smeared all over with peanut butter smash in the ever popular game called "PEANUT BUTTER SMASH". This game was invented by our very own Lenny LaGuardia and is definitely a 'smash' whereever it is played. (I usually tell the young ladies as I smear peanut butter all over their face, in thier eyes etc to look at it as a beauty treatment!

Philip could always be found 'hanging around' somewhere. If you looked UP you might even see him retrieving a frisbee off a roof of a local business. But when he wasn't sneaking on roofs you could find him faithfully setting up the powerpoint for worship, or running sound, or helping out on sets by playing guitar. He was and is always ready willing and able to serve with a joyful heart.

And Jacob enjoyed the freedom of being in the mountains, having the opportunity to sleep in a bunkhouse w/ 20 other guys and not have to brush his teeth every night! He joined in with the worship teams by playing drums and singing on the teams during the Nighc Watch.

Meghan seemed to carry the biggest load as she was asked to lead up the NightWatch for the camp. So everynight Meghan could be found singing over all the 265 campers. There were so many amazing testimonies of what God did in the night. One young boy woke up and said he heard angels singing, another woman had a dream of a wolf with red eyes encircling the camp. She commanded it to leave and it did; she said when she woke up she heard Meghan singing in the tent over the camp and she knew the worship had pushed back the darkness. And although Meghan gave leadership to this it was a group effort that brought it forth. All the people from Kansas City that went on the trip helped to 'pray through the night'.

Meghan said the best time of the whole camp was when she was playing and singing all alone from 1-2 am. WOW! Just her and Jesus.


Linda Dinsmore said...

Hi Misty,

That is great! I love reading about your family! We love being one of those families that eats and hangs with y'all!

Love you guys,

Linda Dinsmore said...

P.S. BRAVO to you for making this! Someday, I too hope to start a blog. I've been meaning to for 2 years!

MercuryMorris said...

You will see that it gets easier and easier as you go.
In His love and service,

1 Corinthians 16:3
Then, when I arrive, I will give letters of introduction to the men you approve and send them with your gift to Jerusalem.