Saturday, March 28, 2009


Last Sunday I sat in a home church meeting with Danny and Rhonda Calhoun. They oversee a ministry called Harvest Home. They have been given 300+ acres and are developing a community for the widows and orphans. They are beginning stage 2 of the development. This is a vision that is unfolding after over 30 years of prayer. They have recently purchased as a 'steal' a steel building in which they are going to develop apartments for single moms and their children. Last week as they shared about this and their desire to build a basement for 3 levels of apartments the Lord spoke CLEARLY..."Misty, I want you to help lay the foundation for this work of mine for single moms". I knew the Lord was inviting me into sowing financially into the digging of the basement which would cost $10,000. So I thought..."ok, $100". Again I sensed the Lord say "Incease it 10-fold". Now here is the kicker...I have been watching these financial videos by Dave Ramsey and he has ingrained in me to save $1000 for an 'emergency' fund. I have been laboring for some months on establishing this fund. You know it seems like when you get it something happens to the car or house or something. Well, I proceeded to inform God that Dave Ramsey wouldn't agree and that I had been laboring for MONTHS to save money. I guess God had different plans than Dave...
So on Thursday after checking everything out and God reminding me faithfully throughout the week of His ability to open the storehouses of heaven and bless us...I sat down to write a note to the Calhoun's and write the check. I also determined that I would speak to the kids and get their feedback before actually giving the money.
I then finished preparations for going to see the Phantom of the Opera and before leaving I checked the mail. There was a letter from someone who has never written before...and you won't believe it (well, you might) a check for $1000.
I LAUGHED aloud,
then shared with Jacob all I had been wrestling through during the week. He celebrated with me.
What an awesome God we serve!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dining Pleasure

Ok, My mouth is delighted!

This weekend my sister came to visit and serve Single Mother's gathering in my house for ministry. However, our family recieved a private dining extravaganza for Shabbat on Friday evening. She has been experimenting and experiencing the joy of setting a banqueting table for her own adult children and their friends in Indianapolis. They gather to make an incredible Spanish dish called Paella.

She came to Kansas City armed and ready w/ pan and ingredients to delight our tastebuds. What a wonder it was to have her serve us w/ extravagant love.
Here is a showing for you to just imagine the amazing meal that was set before us. The process of making this dish is a ministry in itself. She prepared everything in stages, bit by bit...sauting the chicken w/ a head of garlic, adding the peppers and green beans to roast. Then she cooked grated tomatoes (yes grated because it gives the perfect texture...not to be purreed or chopped...GRATED) and grated onions. All this is done in the same pan so that the flavors of each stage are blended in just the right way. There is more but I'll let your imagination run wild!
I can't wait to get home for leftovers!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Saying Bye to Meghan

On March 8th friends gathered to say BYE to Meghan...why? She left for India for 3 months on March the 10th. Here are a few pics of our time together. It was a sweet time laughing, talking, and praying over her.

Meghan took Morgan w/ her...Jacob is displaying the lifesize (well maybe not quite lifesize) poster of Morgan that was traveling w/ Meghan across the ocean...Morgan just couldn't resist, she had to go too!

Ann is picking something out of Meghan's hair, preparing her for the lice that the kids will undoubtly pick out of her hair.